Sunday 17 July 2011

"Today these eyes scan bleached out lands
For the coming of the outbound stage."
- Bruce Cockburn

There is a story being told. It is much bigger than I am, and it is much bigger than all I can see.
I can try to distract myself all I want, but I will never be so mislead that I can honestly deny the truth that I know.
I see the rumours of another world in peoples smiles, I hear them in the rhythm of waves, their scent is on the wind, and their stillness is in the nights.
Although this world is pretty far gone, the rumours of the deeper, stronger place are still thick, and stark, and I will continue to listen to these rumours, and tell of them, until I fully realize them.

Until then, I will scan these bleached out lands for the coming of the outbound stage, I am looking, because I know it is near.